The Ali Kat Devil Guitar
The First Devil was made to represent the Devil Logo I have been using for well over 10 Years as A Rockabilly DJ, Both in the UK and herein Australia.As this Guitar was the 13th Ali Kat, it was painted with a Lucky 13 Logo on the Rear. The Guitar was sold to the UK, and the back had a completely new paint job for the New Owner.
There will only be a Ltd Edition of 13 of these guitars. The 3rd is almost ready
Sat... up to no good, in a Plymouth Belvediere, as used in the Film Christine.
The Second Ali Kat Devil, went to Melbourne and was played at the Lucky 13 Garage.

R.I.P.Peter Mawson from the Band Ignition,
As with every Ali Kat shown on this site, if you are in the market for something totally unique and hand crafted (not cnc machined, or made from Billet !) then any of the guitar shapes or colours can be produced, or even manufactured from your ideas. It all starts with a little imagination, and that is the only limitation.

The 3rd Devil No. 026
The "Dead Mans Hand"